Geetanjali Nutrition Center Blog Managing Low Blood Sugar With Proper Diet Plan

Managing Low Blood Sugar With Proper Diet Plan

Low blood sugar is also known as hypoglycemia in medical terms. The symptoms of both high and low blood sugar are surprisingly very similar. But they both possess the capability to cause irreversible damage to the body, just lower blood sugar levels than high. It is because our brain depends upon glucose to meet the energy requirements. While people with diabetes often suffer from low blood sugar levels, it is important to understand the cause and address them from their roots and improve health.

What Are The Symptoms Of Low Blood Sugar?

Typical symptoms of low blood sugar are:

  • Dizziness
  • Anxiety
  • Confusion
  • Trembling
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Hunger
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Blurred Vision
  • Weakness

9 Amazing Foods Diet for Low Blood Sugar

As per the renowned dietitian, having below food in your diet help to improve the low blood sugar:

  1. Candy

There is a 15-15 rule for people with low blood sugars– 15 grams of carbohydrates to raise the glucose level and 15 minutes later, crosscheck the glucose level. This is because gummy candies are a great source of carbohydrates and according to experts, simple sugar-based foods can absorb quickly and raise the blood sugar within five to fifteen minutes. Experts also recommend not going over the hay with the carbohydrates and must stay between fifteen to thirty grams of carbohydrates.

  1. Fresh / Dried Fruit

An apple a day keeps a doctor away and stays true to its statement. Not just any apples but other fruits as well like pears, apricots, bananas and oranges are good for low blood sugar. Strawberries and grapes are also a great deal for low blood sugar patients as the fruits are a healthy dose of glucose and fiber. If not in the mood of fruits, users can also look for dry fruits like raisins, almonds, walnuts, pistachios and dried apricots– a sugar-spiking snack.

  1. Fruit Juice

Worry not if you do not want to indulge in eating raw fruits, but fruit juices are a great source for the enhancement of blood sugar levels. Some people suffer from low blood sugar or glucose levels who would not be able to chew some food. Therefore, a liquid can be of great benefit for providing the concentrated need for energy. Consider drinking pineapple and grape juice as they are they help increase sugar levels and offer some amount of minerals and vitamins.

  1. Honey

Honey can be very useful for hypoglycemic patients because it has a fast glycemic index of glucose and fructose which will help raise the glucose level in the blood. Honey can be challenging as it may be used to stabilize blood sugar levels, boost the glucose levels in the blood rapidly and provide quick energy. Hence, it can aid in the fight against hypoglycemia because it manifests symptoms like dizziness, weakness and confusion among others. It also contains trace levels of vitamins and minerals, which can be useful and improve the quality of life. Thus, it is better than processed sugars or synthetic sweeteners for addressing hypoglycemia. 

  1. Whole Grains and Fiber

Whole grains and fiber are important for healthy considerations and for type two diabetes when the aim is to regulate the blood sugar levels. Proteins, fats, oats, quinoa, brown rice and other whole grains are also ideal for smashing because they release sugar slowly into the bloodstream, avoiding the sugar spike and crash in the process that keeps the blood sugar level balanced. 

  1. Leafy Greens

Suggested vegetables include lettuce and other green leafy vegetables like romaine, kale and spinach, as well as peppers, tomatoes, and onions since they are low in calories but high in fiber and nutrients. According to the food choices recommended by O’Meara, one should try to include vegetables as the main choice food items and consume them in the largest portion of the plate and at least half of it. It will keep you from eating more and avoid carbs. 

  1. Fat-Free Milk

Hypoglycemic patients need to consume fat-free milk since it contains a balance of both carbohydrates and proteins in addition to the required vitamins and minerals. Most sugars are broken down and lactose, which is found naturally in milk, rapidly increases blood sugar levels and balances the energy. Furthermore, protein helps in maintaining blood sugar levels steadier and for a longer duration to avoid the highs and lows. 

  1. Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are very suitable for a low blood sugar level because they contain carbohydrates, natural sugars and complex carbohydrates. When ingested, they give a slow rise in blood glucose levels and thus supply the body with slow and constant energy rather than the sudden drop witnessed with simple sugars. Also, sweet potatoes are endowed with dietary fiber, which also plays a role in keeping blood glucose stable. 

  1. Yogurt

It is advantageous for low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) since it has a balanced presence of both carbohydrates and proteins. Like any other dairy product, plain yogurt contains natural sugars known as lactose which will quickly spike blood glucose levels. Moreover, it is understood that a protein in yogurt is good in regulating blood sugar levels and retains the high level for quite some time preventing it from rising and falling rapidly. These effects could be boosted further if you opt for low-fat or Greek yogurt, as they also contain fewer calories and fats.


A healthy diet to control low blood sugar not only helps improve the quality of life but also reduces the severity of hypoglycemia symptoms. It is good to include healthy foods such as honey, fat-free milk, sweet potatoes, yogurt etc as they help regulate the blood sugar levels, increase energy and support the health of the body systems. That’s right, people! Small changes are okay, and if done regularly, can make a huge difference and help you achieve a great and active lifestyle.

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