Geetanjali Nutrition Center Blog Summer Foods For Children to Avoid Heat Stroke

Summer Foods For Children to Avoid Heat Stroke

It is almost impossible to keep children indoors in this scorching heat. All they want to do is play outside whether it is summer or winter or rainy season. In such times, the parents have to take extra care of them than usual, especially in summer when the chances are high to get heat stroke. We are here to ease your headache as to how you can keep them safe from heat stroke while also letting them play.

Potential Heat Stroke Causes in Summer Season

  • High Temperatures
  • Dehydration
  • Strenuous Activity
  • Inappropriate Clothing
  • Age Factors
  • Health Conditions
  • Alcohol and Caffeine Consumption
  • Lack of Cooling Facilities

10 Summer Foods For Children to Avoid Heat Stroke

  1. Curd Rice

Curd rice is one of the most favorite dishes of all Indians. It is commonly known as ‘Dahi Chawal’ in India and is a South Indian dish called ‘Thayir Sadam’. It is made with cooked rice and curd which is also sometimes seasoned with other spices such as mustard seeds and curry leaves. It serves as a great addition to serve the children in order to avoid heat stroke.

Curd rice is nutritious and rich in probiotics because of curd. It is a cooling comfort for all ages including children and aids in healthy digestion of the food. Apart from this, you can also eat curd daily or on alternative days as they are the primary key in households to avoid heat stroke in the hot Indian Summers.

  1. Sugarcane juice

The one juice that you can find in any and every corner of India is sugarcane juice, popularly known as “Ganne ka Juice”. This drink is not just refreshing but it is packed with electrolytes like potassium and magnesium which are essential for maintaining hydration levels in the body.

The sugarcane juice works by replenishing the lost fluids and minerals in the scorching Indian Summer through sweating. It is an excellent choice for preventing heat stroke in children. Along with being mouthwatering juice, the natural sweetness also provides children with instant energy whereas artificial additives are far from the juice and your children.

  1. Yogurt

Yogurt is used in Indian households as a well-wishing food that one eats before heading out for important work. It contains a large number of calcium, protein and probiotics, which make digestion easy and promote overall health. In the heat, we can rehydrate and re-coop essential salts, especially by consuming curds, since they also serve as a good source of necessary nutrients. This same property of evaporation also soothes the body and helps the body to regulate the body temperature, which reduces the threat of heat-related complications for children.

  1. Water Rice

The famous summer dish among Odias and Bengalis is Water rice. It is known as Pakhala in Odia and as Pantha Bhaat in Bengali. It is a traditional simple dish that is made by fermenting cooked rice in water (may sound odd to those who haven’t tried it with other side dishes, but it’s heavenly!). This dish is light on the stomach, and easy to digest which makes it an ideal choice for children during the summer season. The water content is not left out after eating the rice this water content helps to keep the body hydrated while the fermentation princess enhances its cooling properties.

  1. Buttermilk

Buttermilk which is popularly known as Chaas is a refreshing and nutritious beverage that is equally delicious on its part. The process of making it is by churning yogurt and diluting it with water. This makes it rich in electrolytes that help to replenish the lost fluids in the summer among children. It is also rich in probiotics and nutrients that make it perfect for beating heat stroke in the summer.

  1. Watery Fruits

Watery fruits like watermelon, cucumber, and orange are rich in water content and essential minerals. Hence, they are an ideal choice for maintaining the body’s hydration in children, especially during the hot summer. These fruits not only replenish the fluids requirement but also maintain your well-being. They are also a form of natural cooling mechanism that regulates body temperature and prevents dehydration leading to lower chances of heat stroke.

  1. Mishri Pani

Mishri pani or sugar water is a tricky yet successful type of treatment for heatstroke among kids. These mishris are actually sugar rocks (stones) that are kept in normal water overnight. The next day, you will be able to see that the rocks have completely dissolved in water. This is sought to be drank in an empty stomach that energizes you instantly and restores the fluids lost by you. It can also ensure healthy electrolyte balance and dehydration prevention, thus, many children may have already been taking this drink to be relieved from the hot weather and to keep their stomach cool.

  1. Onions

One can be puzzled by the mention of onions among the heat-stroke-beating foods. They have quercetin, one of the powerful antioxidants that helps in maintaining the temperature of the body at the normal level along with reducing inflammation. Intaking raw or cooked onions in snacks and meals that are prepared during summer is a great way of not only cooling down the body from the inside out but also minimizing the risk of heat strokes in children.

  1. Cucumber

Cucumber is a hydrating vegetable that has a high water or moisture content, it is a great choice one can make to prevent heat stroke in children. It gives us essential fluids, vitamins and minerals, but with fewer calories and ease of digestion. Cucumber has the effect of reducing body temperature and keeping a child sufficiently hydrated during hot weather, hence there will be a lower risk of such problems as dehydration or heat-related illnesses. You can eat cucumber and onion in a salad as raw. And to put the cherry on top, you can also add curd which makes it an ultimate heat-beating dish– a salad that is even healthy for the body.

  1. Coconut Water

Another drink that is available in every part of India and can often be seen in South Indian Movies, is coconut water. It offers the necessary minerals that are perfect for preventing heat stroke in children. It contains particularly high amounts of potassium and magnesium that are responsible for making up for the lost fluids because of dehydration. Additionally, coconut water is low in calories and devoid of added sugars, allowing it to be a healthy and thirst-quenching alternative to keep kids far away from heat strokes.


Instead of not letting the children go out and play at all, feed them these ten healthy and nutritious Indian foods that are not only good for avoiding heat strokes but also for maintaining their overall health. Also, as an additional precaution, limit their outdoor playing period to avoid heat stroke. Hope you have a great summer time with your children. Meanwhile, don’t forget to take other simple precautions like sunglasses, umbrellas and hats being some of them for a safe summer!

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