Geetanjali Nutrition Center Blog Top 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods to Boost Your Immunity

Top 10 Nutrient-Rich Foods to Boost Your Immunity

Someone really well said that ‘You are what you eat’! The immune system is like your body’s private army, always on standby to protect you against diseases but, like any army, it requires the right sustenance to be at its most effective. Protein food is rich in vitamins and minerals, and this enables immune cells to combat diseases within your system efficiently. Now let’s look at ten foods that we trust to pack tremendous energy to your immune system to keep you going.

Best Food for Better Immunity!

  1. Citrus Fruits

Vitamin C, which is found in oranges, lemons, and grapefruits, among others, is essential in boosting the immune system. Vitamin C enhances the production of white blood cells which are important in rapid infection destruction. These are nutrient-dense foods that are also associated with anti-oxidants that assist in the safeguarding of cells. Therefore, the phrase when life gives you lemons should be taken seriously, and the lemons should be incorporated into diets.

  1. Red Bell Peppers

Each red bell pepper has more vitamin C than oranges, several oranges to be precise. They also have a high content of beta-carotene, which is a precursor to Vitamin A. This is important for eyesight and skin health. All the products included on the list of the 10 best foods for immunity boost the taste of your meals while having a bright color to encourage the intake of nutrients to improve your health status.

  1. Broccoli

The broccoli is rich in vitamins A, C and E, strands, and numerous other Antioxidant supplements. This is among the scrumptious vegetables that are exceptionally great for human utilization due to the abundance of different supplements. The best way to eat it is raw or cooked in a way that does not remove its nutrients — which pretty much means not cooked at all. It could be viewed as the original green ox that greatly protects your immune system.

  1. Garlic

Garlic is not only effective for countering horror movies’ monsters, it is also useful for avoiding sickness. This horrible-smelling bulb holds allicin content and helps stimulate the immune system’s disease-fighting response. Garlic ought to be incorporated into the meals to reduce common cold incidences precipitated by fouled air. Garlic also qualifies to be among the rich food sources of manganese, vitamin B6 and selenium which increases overall health.

  1. Ginger

Many individuals also drink ginger after they have come down with a cold. It can assist in reducing inflammation and this is of great benefit in cases such as throat inflammation among other inflammatory diseases. The fresh product is rich in a compound known as gingerol, and by taking it, you can lessen your vulnerability to diseases. Not only that this food is nutritious it also contains antioxidants and can also improve digestion. Ginger intensifies the taste of a meal and helps to strengthen the immunity of a person.

  1. Spinach

Surprisingly, the same bowl of spinach is also high in vitamin C, and numerous other antioxidants and beta-carotenes that could enhance our immunity. Similar to broccoli, spinach is the richest in its nutrients if cooked to the least possible extent. This superfood also contains vitamin K, folate, and iron and thus it is advised that people all over the world should take it.

  1. Yogurt

Select yogurts that have ‘live and active cultures’ printed on the back, like Greek yogurt. Such cultures can either directly boost your body’s ability to fight diseases or indirectly boost your immune system. Yogurt contains vitamin D, which helps the immune system function effectively and, as a result, the organism’s defense against diseases.

  1. Almonds

Vitamin E is essential to the immune system, almonds are very rich in this vitamin. It is classified under fat-soluble vitamin; this implies that adequate fat is needed for the absorption of the vitamin. Fruits and nuts, for instance, almonds contain vitamins and have healthful oils also. It is also rich in Magnesium and fiber; thus, snacking on these food products is beneficial to health.

  1. Turmeric

Turmeric has been used for many years in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as an anti-inflammatory. The bright yellow pigment in turmeric is due to the curcumin content. It reduces the density of oxidative damage done to muscles during workouts. This loaded nutrient food is also important due to the antioxidant qualities that assist in decreasing the effects of free radicals in the body. Derive the immunity glowing color by adding some turmeric to the dishes you prepare.

  • Green Tea

Green and black teas contain even more added flavonoids or types of antioxidants. Green tea contains an antioxidant called EGCG (epigallocatechin gallate) that improves the body’s immunity. A simple way to prevent the immune blues is to take some green tea and steep some of it.


Incorporating these nutrients into your dinner will improve the body’s resistance framework with included supplements. Ensure that you eat a lot of foods with vitamins and minerals so that your body can handle everything when it comes to sustaining your health.



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